
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Are we there yet?

Ok, it has been quite a while since I have last updated my site. It is now updated. (loud applause) Leah and I have offically moved to Texas. I finished unpacking the Penske truck yesterday and I'm very tired. Faith's garage is absolutely packed.

My last day at Wal-Mart was last week and let me tell you it was weird leaving that place after 9 years. I will definately miss all the people that I worked with, I will not however miss the company itself. I start my new job working for the city of Denton on Tuesday. It is a summer job, but it is one that I think that I will enjoy. I will be helping to maintain parks for the city. I will be doing the glamours job of mowing, and general cleaning of parks.

I had my job interview for the elementary music teacher position at a new school in Frisco Tx. I believe that the interview went very well indeed. The new principle and all of the interviewrs really liked me. Also elementary schools really like to hire men so we will see. I definately would not mind having my own music room at a brand spanking new school. I should hopefully be hearing from them pretty soon. I still have the Mckinney job fair on April 28. They have a jr. and highschool choir position open. We shall see. It's going to be really friggen nice to have a job that I really enjoy.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Move along please

Well it appears that almost everyone else who has a website in my small circle of friends has stopped updating them. I guess that doesn't really surprise me. After all we all started doing these websites before the invention of facebook, and myspace. I however still like my little slice of the internet. I have more control of it, and someday I plan on printing all of the journal entries out and adding them to my big journal. Let's see what all has happened since I've last written. The major thing is that I found out that I'm going to have to have surgery, surgery on my testicle none the less. I've got vericose veins in my left one. I only thought that occurred to women's legs but I was wrong. At any rate I'm really hoping it won't be too bad. Luckily I've built up a good amount of sick time with ole' Wally world and and will be using two weeks worth. In a way I'm happy about that because with any luck I will be leaving that place soon and they do not pay you for sick hours that you have acquired.
I was so physically and emotionally tired when I finally graduated. I had run for a long time with no days off and no time to myself. Finally I'm getting both and guess what? I'm getting bored. One of my goals was to start working out, but it seems like everything I've finally made up my mind to do so I'm friggen sick.
I'm waiting on my PLT scores (a state education exam) I've got a degree now, but I'm yet to be certified. I'm so ready to quit Wal-mart and do something that I'm trained for, and that I will enjoy. I can only kind of speculate at what it must be like to get up in the morning and somewhat look forward to what you will be doing for the next 9 hours or so. It will also be nice to make an actually nice amount of money. What would it be like to not be poor you ask??? Well with any luck I will soon be able to tell you. I had the opportunity to see Karen Kenny (it's Grahm I know) and she is teaching right now. She had some of her students with her since it is All-state try-outs time. I can't wait to be teaching.
Well that's about it for now. As soon as something new and exciting happens I'll let ya'll know.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Finish Line

Well I graduated. Of course like most things I'm not quite finished yet. My praxis scores came back and now I have to submit them so that they will send me my nice and shiny bachelors degree. So I will have my degree, it's taken me forever to get it. On January 13 I'll take my praxis exam, and when the results come back I'll be a certified teacher. That's scary is it not? So I've basically been doing what I've wanted to do for a long time. I'm working and taking it easy. I was really hoping to get a teaching job right after I graduated, but I don't think that is to be. All I know is that I'd really like to get a decent job soon, because I've been with wal-mart for way to friggen long. I'm going to beat everyone there if I don't get out soon. Let's see what else has been going on? Christmas came and went already. It was kind of a downer this time around. I'm quite poor at the moment. I got everyone presents of course, but it would have been nice to by Leah and myself something nice. I know I'm probably rambling, but I think I will forgive myself. We got back from our trip to Texas to visit the in-laws yesterday. It was a fun trip, and it too went by really quickly. Leah, Steve, and I drove around Cabot while we where there on break. It was pretty cool. I haven't really drove around the old stomping ground in probably 8 years. It was weird to see how much has changed. That's it for tonight.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Almost there

Dear mother of God, I’m tired. You might have noticed that I haven’t written in forever. I’ve just been insanely busy this semester. I finished up my internship with Sam Huskey a couple of weeks ago. I’m now at Ida Burns elementary with Bart Dooley. I’m having a good time and I’ve learned a lot, but I’m glad it’s almost over. I don’t know how many more 16 hour workdays I can take. There is so much that I want to write about, but I need to go to bed. My days are blurring together. Leah, and I fought tonight and it was quite silly really. I need to finish updating the site. Well that’s about all I’ve got for tonight. I’ll try to post more often. Poof.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Quick vacations

Leah and I got back from Missouri tonight. It was fun, and I got some new pics out of it. I will type a little more later, but for now I am tired

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Praxis 2 and other such wastes of time

So I took the music portion of the praxis teaching exams yesterday. Time is so weird when your sleep cycle is screwed up. The day before I couldn't sleep at all. I finally got to sleep at 9:00a.m. and woke up at 3:00p.m. Then I went and threw stupid papers came home showered and went to take the praxis. I got there at 7:00a.m. and didn't finish until 3:30p.m. I'm tired to say the least. I'm not sure how I did, the test was extremely difficult. The entire thing was timed, which in my opinion is not musician friendly. On one portion I had to answer 95 questions in 65 minutes. While this would not be a problem if it was stricktly a knowledge based test this is not cool if several of the questions require you to analyze a musical score. Also there seemed to be a lot of random questions and questions that you would only know if you where a string, or other instrument player. I'm not supposed to tell any of the questions, but since I'm Jimmy I'll do what I want. One of the questions was who was the first black symphony conductor. I was like WTF? I've never even run across that question before. Oh well with any luck I passed, because I cannot think of a more miserable way to spend an entire Saturday.
The good news is that Friday is my last day to throw papers. Even better news is that Saturday is the start of my vacation. I'm taking an entire week off and it's going to be great. Leah is wanting to go to Missouri, but I'm not sure what I want to do yet. I'm thinking that catching up on sleep, swimming, reading a book, playing video games, and goofing off in general sounds pretty damn good to me. Well it's early in the morning an I need to try to sleep some before it's time to go to my other job.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Lot's o fighting going on

Well yet again, it's been a little while since I've written. UCA has managed to mess my financial aid up for the 4th semester in a row, truly amazing work guys. I have a lot of strong feelings about the next topic and could speak about it for quite some time, but I think I'll leave it at this; why do people have to hate and kill each other? I just don't get it. I'm friggen tired. It's 6:00 a.m. in the morning and I'm getting ready to go to bed. I have the next to days off, well kind of, but I'm probably going to sleep most of it away. It makes me a little sad. Summer is almost at an end. I've been doing a lot of serious thinking here lately. Thought I was going to elborate on that didn't you???? Well I'm not. Random thought of randomness....YOu @$#%@#$! spammers quit sending me shit mail. I'm going to get you bastards. Let's see here, I haven't been doing anything new, just sleeping and working, and eating, and sleeping, and working. The bed is calling my name, goodnight.