
Friday, June 10, 2005

Rainy Days

It's been quite rainy these last couple of days. Of course all of the plants around town have really been enjoying it. I'll have to mow again soon, but I kind of enjoy that. Well tonight Ben, Leah, Mandy, David and I had a halo 2 night. Ben brought over his xbox, and we linked them together. So we had 2 TV's going and a lot of mayhem. It was a lot of fun. Also I have this little foam pool toy arrow that has a rubber band built into it. So you can literally launch that baby at people. So we all ran through the house shooting each other with it. It was loads of fun. I try not to talk about work and bad customers a lot but I have a award winning idiot story from today. As you all know I work in the automotive section at Wal-Mart. A guy came into day and traded in a bad battery. Later in the day the same guy comes in absolutely furious. He states that he just traded his old battery in for a new one and the new one is bad as well. We tell him that we will go out to his car and test the batter and fix the mistake. So we go out there and look at his battery and arrive at his problem. The genius hadn't take off the protective plastic casing that protects all new battery terminals. So he had installed his battery with a great big plastic insulator between the battery and his car. We fixed it for him, and he just left. No apology, so "I'm and great big stupid hairy idiot, please forgive me for my lack of brain cell." He just got in his car and left. I tried to get management to sterilize the man for the sake of the rest of humanity, but if we did that they reasoned, who would be left for managerial type work?


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