
Thursday, July 28, 2005

Packing a lot of fun in a small amount of time

Vacation officially starts on Sunday. It is going to be a good time. Mandy, Leah, and I are going to Texas. We will be going to Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels while we are there. A little bit about what I've been up to of late. Basically I've just been working and playing. I've really gotten into mountain biking here lately. My dad was nice enough to let me borrow one of his bikes and I've bet I've put about 40 miles on the thing. Something amusing about that is the fact that I've been pulled over by the cops twice now and spotlighted once. I've mainly been riding around in my neighborhood, and the police have been patrolling because there have been some breaking in the neighborhood. I went up to Cadron Settlement park today. I went riding and had a ton of fun. I only fell once so I was happy. Oh, I've got a new toy on the way. I've been really wanting a portable music player to listen to when I work out or ride on the bike, so I ordered a mp3 player off of E-bay. E-bay rocks. I've sold several things on e-bay now, but it was my first time to actually by something from there. If you know what you're looking for you can really get some good deals. That's about enough for one night.


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